21 - 09 - 2024
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web12t You can adjust the management type of QoS (quality of service) and its priority by dragging each of the connected clients to the boxes beneath (unfortunately when we took this screenshot it seems that the web interface didn't detect our systems).




The firewall tab includes everything you'd hope to find here from DMZ (demilitarized zone) and anti-spoof to ALG (application level gateway) settings and rules for both IPv4 and IPv6.



You can also turn on filtering and add rules for IPv4 and IPv6, restrict access to certain URLs (websites) and setup new routes.



web19tweb20tDynamic DNS and quick-VPN can also be configured via the features drop-down menu.



web21tweb22tweb23tweb24tLast but not least from within the management tab you can setup the time, change the administrator password, enable HTTPS access and remote management, save/load stored settings to/from your hard drive, reboot the device (auto reboot is also available) and you can also check for new firmware updates or perform one using a file (that's what we did with the 1.10 version).




We almost forgot to mention the statistics page from where you can monitor the amount of data transmitted and received by the router.