21 - 09 - 2024
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fritz powerline 1240eb

   When AVM announced the 1240E WLAN powerline adapter we all thought it was basically a 1000E adapter with a built-in 802.11n transmitter. Sure I think that all powerline adapters should feature an intergrated electrical socket since not everyone can afford to dedicate a wall socket but if AVM could pair their excellent 1000E adapter (and why not even improve it) with an 802.11n transmitter that too would be great in my book. Unfortunately judging by our charts that really doesn’t seem to be the case since the 1000E adapter surpasses the 1240E one in 3 out of 4 tests. For good or bad I decided not to slice open both adapters to check their interior components but even if AVM used the same ones as their 1000E model my guess is that the power requirements of the 802.11n (or the increase in interior temperature) may affect the device. Regardless the 1240E adapter is the fastest wired/wireless combo one to ever pass through our lab so all that’s left for us to check is its current price tag.

   AVM products are yet to become available outside the EU (and that may never happen) so the 1240E WLAN powerline adapter currently retails here for 78.88Euros (Amazon.de) while the 1240E WLAN Set retails for 129Euros (Amazon.de). This price tag may actually seem as a bit high to some of you but considering that there’s not an equivalent kit in the market today (at least not with the same performance and features) we really think AVM could probably ask for more (not that they should however). Sure it’s not perfect since we’d really like to see an intergrated electrical socket and performance identical or even better to that of the 1000E model but we can’t deny that the 1240E WLAN Set is one of the fastest ones out in the market and for that it gets our Golden Award.



- Excellent Build Quality
- Top Performance
- 1200Mbit/s Wired 
- 300Mbit/s Wireless
- Low Power Consumption
- Eco Operation Supported
- MIMO Technology
- AES 128-bit Encryption
- QoS Support
- Repeater Function
- Web Interface (Available Settings)


- Single LAN Port (For Some)
- No Intergrated Electrical Outlet
- EU Only