02 - 06 - 2024
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The RGB LED light bar placed at the top of each module is what really stands out with this kit.



With a height of just 42.2mm the Predator RGB DDR4 modules are a quite a bit shorter than for example the Dominator RGB DDR4 modules.



As expected on a sticker at the rear of the modules HyperX has placed a sticker with their serial number, barcodes and XMP voltage.



Above you can see some pictures of the Predator RGB DDR4 32GB Quad-Channel kit mounted on our GIGABYTE X299 AORUS GAMING 9 which also happens to be one of those mainboards where the infrared sync technology of this specific kit doesn't behave as it should (you can clearly see that the top modules are not completely synced with the bottom ones).



Still the Predator DDR4 RGB RAM looks great, regardless of whether all its modules
are in sync or not.



Thanks to the popular Thaiphoon Burner program you can see detailed information about the kit we’re testing today.