21 - 09 - 2024
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cooltek itx30b

   Last time i had something from Thermolab on my test bench i think it was roughly 4 years ago when i tested their TRINITY CPU Cooler which although not at the top of the charts did perform very well for its price. Well it goes without saying really that almost after 4 years i was quite curious to see what the ITX30 was capable off and although it didn't introduce something new in terms of performance since it's did almost the same as the L9i by Noctua. On the other hand however it's smaller compared to the L9i and that will go a long way for people with small PC cases so if the price is right meaning less compared to the L9i i think Thermolab has a winner.


   The only two serious drawbacks i can think of regarding the ITX30 (aside the performance factor which is very good for the size) is its availability since Thermolab currently has it available mainly inside the EU through Cooltek and its price tag which is set at exactly the same as the AXP-200 muscle by Thermalright (34,99Euros @ PC-Cooling.de). Of course if the AXP-200 Muscle is too large for your case the ITX30 could be the ideal choice but if not then i see no reason for anyone to choose the ITX30 over the AXP-200 Muscle since the second is almost 10 full degrees better. The ITX30 excels at the noise level department since it's the most silent low-profile CPU Cooler in the chart (makes me wonder how it would perform with a better fan) but the difference with the AXP-200 Muscle is not really that significant to be a decicive factor. Overall an extremely tiny CPU Cooler which is a one way for people who can't fit a larger model in their cases and that along with its very low noise levels are enough fto get our recommendation. 



- Build Quality (All Copper)
- Compact Size (Smallest In Our Charts)
- Performance (For Its Size)
- Low Noise Levels



- Overall Performance
- Availability