19 - 05 - 2024
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eufylife smarthome app 1

As with most smartphone apps you will first need to select the robot vacuum model from a list.



The main app tab shows all your registered eufy devices (just the RoboVac LR30 Hybrid+ in this case) and their current status.



Aside the 4 different suction levels the RoboVac LR30 Hybrid+ also offers 3 water levels.



The app also allows you to choose different cleaning modes and set the priority (sequence) for each room.



As with many other models eufy has used the auto-return feature which basically means the robot vacuum will return to recharge when needed and continue cleaning from where it left off.



Of course, the SmartHome app also allows you to adjust volume levels, change voice language, change area units and enable/disable the auto-empty and BoostIQ (suction power increase when carpets are detected) features.



The manual mode is not something I’ve used in a long time but it could come in handy if the vacuum gets stuck in a hard to reach place.



Another feature that older models don't have is the ability for the robot vacuum to store more than just one 3D map.



As you can see 3D map detail is very good and as expected from the app you can select specific rooms and zones and set no go zones and virtual boundaries/walls.



The cleaning history tab allows you to check just how long you've used the LR30 Hybrid+ and how much space it has cleaned.